Are Conservative Blogs Needed More Than Ever?

blogs-for-car-dealersA return to Germany during the 1930s reminds us of how a rooted, traditional, Christian society can be captured without the average citizen suspecting that a new paradigm has replaced the old.  Putting people back to work by means of public works projects was, after all, being tried in America with success as well.  There were a lot of positive similarities between Hitler and FDR.

   Good times seemed to be coming to Germany during the 1930s.  Hardcore hatreds hadn’t really registered yet with the public.  Sure, extremists and bad ideologies were frequently mentioned as scapegoats, but most societies do the same, don’t they?

    Throughout the decade, radio and governmental control in Germany meant that One Voice would become acceptable, and opposition would be stifled.  In America today, we have a small group of wealthy liberal businessmen working with a a liberal government (and media and educational system) to accomplish the same dynamic.

    There are no brown-shirted thugs in the streets of America, but doesn’t political correctness accomplish the same assault on our freedom of speech?  A fact of American television commercials, for example, is that blacks are heavily over-represented with respect to their percentage in the society.  They seem to have lost all trace of black ethnicity.  “They’re all acting just like white middle-class whites,” someone might notice, as if social engineering were fully underway.

    But, alas, no one can talk about what’s obvious now that politically correct spokespeople are in charge of the media, and hence public consciousness.  America’s social norm–the way things are supposed to be–has moved farther and farther left. The ideological orientation doesn’t stick anymore.

     Conservatives have been forced leftward too.  The right has disappeared, except for certain extremist groups that now falsely represent the conservative movement, such as skinheads, punkers,  neo-nazis, the KKK, and other hoodlums.  Of course, the 1930s Nazis did the same with French Revolution and Bolshevik murderers.

    With Freedom of Speech curtailed, with the right forced leftward, then the new “extremes” can be benign things like patriotism, Christianity, mainstream values, heritage traditions, straight sex, and the like.  This is what is happening.

     Now’s the time for respectable conservative blogs to have an impact when the mainstream is decidedly secular and liberal.  Better to have a blog hold the line on leftward drift and defend free discussion of conservative principles, than to wait for a Rick Santorum to be demonized on national network debates.


2 comments for “Are Conservative Blogs Needed More Than Ever?

  1. Pingback: moncler weste
  2. Gordon Howie
    February 7, 2013 at 6:10 am

    Spot on Brad! great article

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