Nancy Pelosi… Defender Of Liberty


When it comes to supporting the homosexual agenda to destroy traditional marriage, Pelosi believes it is a “civil rights” issue. Her support for “civil rights” only extends to lesbians and homosexuals though… not unborn children. In her view unborn babies have no rights, not even the right to LIVE. Homosexuals and lesbians, on the other hand, should have the right to “marry”.

If Pelosi and others who support homosexual and lesbian lifestyles would focus on the “rights” of all Americans, they might have my support. I would agree that, in spite of their sinful lifestyles, homosexuals and lesbians should be afforded equal “rights”. Those “rights” include the ability to transfer property through inheritance and the ability to make medical, end of life decisions for their “partner”.

The legal “rights”, however, are a means to an end for these people. They fundamentally want to “normalize” their debaucherous behaviour and compromise the institution of marriage. That is where they lose me, and many other Americans.

Pelosi proudly asserts that her religion (she claims to be a Catholic) compels her to support homosexual and lesbian “marriage”. “My religion has, compels me–and I love it for it–to be against discrimination of any kind in our country, and I consider this a form of discrimination. I think it’s unconstitutional on top of that,” she said. Pelosi apparently has not read the Bible, which is the foundation of the Catholic church. It requires her to be against SIN. She obviously missed church on the day they talked about that. The Catholic church doctrine is very clear on homosexuality. It’s a sin. Two people living in that lifestyle are not “married”, they are rebelling against the teachings of Christ.

Christ commands us to LOVE the sinner, but hate the sin. Homosexuals and Lesbians are not less loved by God, but He has given them… and us instructions about love, sin and marriage. Just because they choose to live in sin does not give them (or Pelosi) any “rights” to call it marriage. That is an institution created for a man and a woman.

Pelosi went on to suggest that winning elections (because of the backlash resulting from support of the homosexual agenda) is less important than advancing this issue. That might be the one thing we agree on… sort of.

Maybe America will wake up and throw her (and others like her) out of office!

**Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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