Who Are We; Who Have We Become?

Founding-Fathers-AmericaOkay, wait a minute, just wait a minute; who are we? As a people, I mean really who are we? As a country who are we?

Is this really who and what we have become America? Have we become so self-absorbed, so complacent, so apathetic that we are willing to do nothing? To just sit here, with our heads down, and like lemmings follow blindly a President who is hell-bent on destroying America and our Constitution. Are you ready to lay down, and just give America away to the highest bidder because you don’t want to upset the apple cart, you don’t want your name on some dissident list? Really! You don’t want to lose all your free stuff!? Is this who we have become America?

I don’t believe that is who we are, or who we have become. I believe there is a select group of progressives (the pretty name for communist) from both sides of the aisle that are pushing with everything they have to drive the death knell into America. They are working non-stop around the clock to usher in the New World Order, but to achieve that, they must destroy the Republic, they must destroy our Constitution, they must attack and burn Christianity and they must disarm us. Oh, please, don’t think for one moment that they have forgotten that folks. Not this megalomaniac; Obama wants our guns and he will not stop until he has them. Do not think for one moment that this fight has gone away!

Obama and his minions are following Saul Alinsky and Cloward-Piven to the letter. They are currently overwhelming the system with one scandal after another, until we all reach the breaking point, where we will all scream “Uncle,” in unison demanding the government to fix it all. That is exactly what we must avoid, for that is precisely what they are waiting for. Obama and his progressive/communist minions have already put all the plans in place, now they just keep putting the squeeze on the system. Remember Top down, Bottom up, Inside out; it is like being in a vice grip, and the more pressure on the system, the harder it is for all of us to breath.

It was Thomas Jefferson who stated, “Experience hath shown, that even the best forms of government those entrusted with power, in time and by slow  operations, perverted it into tyranny.”

We are at a crucial time in our history as a young country, a time when men and women of good conscience cannot and must not remain silent. Over the past several days, I have witnessed the emotional exhaustion of  many of my friends as we are bombarded with one scandal after another. People are tired, and worn out. Emotions are high and everyone feels a sense of doom and loss. Not only are we facing the Big Brother, 1984 all-seeing all-knowing, all-powerful overreaching government, but we are also facing the collapse of the dollar; put this all together, and no wonder we are all feeling the need to run away to some deserted island and start all over again!

It is at this vital hour that we must turn back to God, we must not lose our faith. John Adams said in a speech to the military in 1798 warning his fellow countrymen saying, We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion… Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

My fellow countrymen what are your intentions? What is the message we will leave for the next generation, what is the legacy we pass forward? What will they write about our generation in the history books? That we were the generation that had no scruples,  no principles, ethics, integrity, no sense of right and wrong? Will they describe us as individuals who were so self-absorbed, so self-centered, so into self-gratification that we did not bother to hold our elected officials and indeed our President accountable for their misconduct, blatant disregard and disrespect for our Constitution?

The choice is this, either we pass the torch of Freedom onto our children, the freedom intended for us by our Founding Fathers, or we admit that we are the generation without the capacity or the desire for self-government, that we are the generation that put the final death knell in the coffin of what was the most unique idea in all history of man’s relation to man and we Continue down this path of totalitarianism.

No, we must lock arm and arm on this across the nation, we cannot afford to rest, we cannot afford to let up, and we must press onward. We are in the fight of our time, the fight to maintain what our Founding Fathers have given us; FREEDOM & LIBERTY! For as Thomas Paine said:

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.”

*** Andrea Robson *** is an artist, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

Read more on Andrea’s website


1 comment for “Who Are We; Who Have We Become?

  1. June 28, 2013 at 2:26 pm

    Uncle Toms and Step-N-Fetches have existed since slavery and even until today, To me, it seem to have gotten worse. I believe this is because as one Black generation died out the newer generation has become more relaxed and less interested in acknowledging their African roots. I don’t give a damn if you do not know what country or tribe your ancestors descended from. Your whole “I ain’t African-American—I wasn’t born in no Africa” BS is just another way of dismissing your identity as an American of African descent. Yet you would dig your colorstruck shovel deeper and deeper down your bloodline to make sure you find those golden nuggets labeled “Native American”, “Cherokee”, “Creole”, “Jewish”, and “WHITE”. And once you struck the goldmine, you will find no hesitation in boasting about how much Indian or Creole you got in your blood. You wear your Irish and Cherokee roots like gold and jewels but you dismiss your African blood like it was a form of leprosy.

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