Would Mike Rounds Change Washington?

Probably not.

In a recent fund raising email, Rounds said this:

These supporters believe in our message of smaller government, cutting government spending, reducing government regulation and repealing Obamacare. If we don’t change the course our country is headed, future generations will be saddled with over $16 trillion in debt and they will not have the same opportunities my generation had.

I refuse to let this happen, and I need your help today.

The question is… “is Rounds credible on these issues?”

The answer is “No.”

His first statement may be accurate.  Perhaps some of his supporters DO believe in smaller government, cutting spending, reducing regulation and repealing Obamacare.  The problem is that Mike Rounds has a track record that is exactly opposite each of these important issues.

While Rounds was Governor he increased food stamp recipients significantly in South Dakota.  He increased the size of state government and the number of state employees, GROWING the size of government.  Spending INCREASED in South Dakota under the Rounds-Daugaard years.  Regulation and control by state government grew under the direction of Governor Mike Rounds.  He left office with a $127 million dollar deficit which had to be dealt with after he was gone.

A very important reality is that Mike Rounds OPPOSED legislation that would have stopped Obamacare in South Dakota.  He sent his chief of staff to the state affairs committee to KILL the Health Care Freedom Act in 2010.

If Rounds “supporters” truly believe in less government, and take the time to be informed on his track record, they will be looking for someone else to support.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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