Political Smoke And Mirrors

We have grown to expect deception from Democrats.

Now, some Republicans leaders are following suit.

Everyone in office has a recorded vote they wish they could take back.  Hindsight gives us a much clearer web.ad9.23.13perspective.  But then, there are votes that are SO CLEAR that they require some “sleight of hand” by slick politicians.

South Dakota, the “conservative” stronghold, is home to the practitioners of this “magic”.

When it comes to ObamaCare, our Republican Senator, John Thune disappointed conservatives with his vote on cloture.  I spoke to one former Thune supporter who said, ” I have had a Thune sticker on my bumper since BEFORE he went to congress.  This morning I scraped it off.”  How is it that someone who claims to oppose ObamaCare would not stand firm on that vote?

Current SD Governor Daugaard also claims to be against ObamaCare.  Still, he has taken $7 million dollars of ObamaCare money, worked to kill legislation to STOP ObamaCare and established the health care exchanges in South Dakota.

But the most recent, and perhaps most vivid example of political gamesmanship comes from former Governor-now candidate for Senate M. Michael Rounds.  He has initiated a Stop ObamaCare petition online.  This from the man who is HIGHLY invested in government-run health care.  This from the man who, as Governor, worked hard to KILL the Health Care Freedom Act which would have stopped ObamaCare in South Dakota.  Now it is politically convenient to start a petition to give the impression he is or has been opposed to ObamaCare, when in fact he has been a huge supporter and promoter.  Now, his petition can give the impression he is against it, while gathering the names (and money) of people who are genuinely opposed to government health care.  It gives the illusion that he will be a champion to fight ObamaCare, when the record has been very clear to anyone taking the time to examine it… Rounds is largely responsible for ObamaCare in South Dakota.  He would like to give us all a much different perspective.

Informed voters will look behind the smoke and mirrors.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

gh7            “America needs to know the  truth, without which, she will surely lose her freedom.”

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