Political Games

When politicians play fail to put the interests of the people ahead of their own self-serving agenda, America is the loser.

In case you haven’t heard, the EB-5 investment program in South Dakota has some major problems.  Millions of dollars were spent in the politically inspired program.  Large amounts of money in this program were mishandled.

If you have been keeping up with the news on this failed program, you might be asking, “why doesn’t someone take a serious look at where the money went?”

You might also be asking, “Why aren’t South Dakota political leaders investigating where these millions of dollars really went?”

US Senate candidate, Stace Nelson has signed a petition calling for an impartial audit of the program, and where the money went.  He had this to say about the problem,  “Unfortunately, we’re looking at a major scandal that everyone is embarrassed about. We’re all concerned about (it). The best way to get at the root of the problem is to take an impartial look at what actually transpired and having this audited is the most logical course of action.”

Two of the key players in this program were former Governor/now US Senate candidate, Mike Rounds and current Governor Dennis Daugaard.


Neither of them have yet signed on to the growing list of people calling for an independent audit of the money and the program.  They don’t have much to say.  Thankfully, there are some courageous state politicians like Representative Nelson who are taking the lead on the issue.  Others are still playing cat and web.ad03durangomouse, hoping the problems will “just go away”.

I have seen first hand how some leaders on both sides of the aisle play games with important issues.  They put their self-serving interest ahead of the interests of the people they were elected to serve.  I believe Americans are getting weary of the political games, from the White House to the State House.

It wouldn’t have helped Barack Obama’s re-election, if full disclosure and honesty had been part of the game in Washington DC.

A full and timely investigation of the millions of dollars spent in the failed EB-5 program in South Dakota might not help the election prospects of Mike Rounds.  It might not be helpful for the re-election campaign of Dennis Daugaard either.

South Dakota deserves to know where the millions of dollars went, how they were spent and whether they inappropriately benefited the Rounds-Daugaard team.


***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


“America needs to know the truth, without which, she will surely lose her freedom.”

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