EPA Shut Down

If an Oklahoma state Senator has his way, Oklahoma will send the EPA packing!

Oklahoma Senator Patrick Anderson has introduced legislation that would put an end to the EPA in his state.  Three cheers for him!!

SB 1167 reads as follows:

An Act relating to United States Environmental Protection Agency rules; declaring certain federal rulemaking authority is not authorized by United States Constitution; stating legislative duty to prevent enforcement of certain rules; stating exceptions; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.


SECTION 1.     NEW LAW     A new section of law to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 401 of Title 25, unless there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:

A.  The Legislature declares that the rulemaking authority of the Environmental Protection Agency is not authorized by the Constitution of the United States and violates its true meaning and intent as given by the founders and ratifiers, and is hereby declared to be invalid in the State of Oklahoma, shall not be recognized by this state, is specifically rejected by this state, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in this state.

B.  It shall be the duty of the Legislature of this state to adopt and enact any and all measures as may be necessary to prevent the enforcement of rules issued by the Environmental Protection Agency which are not specifically authorized by the Congress of the United States or specifically adopted by the Oklahoma Legislature.

SECTION 2.  It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval.

The federal government has been over-reaching with regulations for decades.  Much of it has been done web.ad99ramthrough agency “rule-making”.  The EPA is one of, if not the worst, examples of government gone mad.

The tenth amendment is very clear…

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

This effort by Senator Anderson may be futile unless there is significant support by citizens and other states following his lead.  If the law is passed, it will be challenged in court.  The court has become much like Congress, in that it can not be trusted to do the right thing.  The powers referred to in the tenth amendment have been so diminished over the years that it may take a near revolution to restore the authority of the people and the states over the Federal government.  Even so, it’s refreshing when states reassert their power and reject the Federal government meddling where it does not belong.

Wouldn’t it be nice if EVERY state would follow suit and pass this legislation?

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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