Importance Of Humility

The world it seems is often (if not most often) exactly opposite of the ways of God.

A prime example of that is how we encourage a prideful manner with trophies, honors, bonuses, etc. Certainly feeling good about oneself is okay but the problem is when it leads to arrogance, vanity or the haughtiness of pride. Their may be some temporary rewards for the prideful but not what we as Christians should desire. God rewards humility which we see in 1 Kings 3:11-14. The reward here was a wise and understanding heart and for good measure God allowed Solomon to experience the “good life”. God’s grace is immeasurable when our faith leads us to humility.

Today we often ask our leaders to turn back to God (2 Chr. 7:14) for only then will God once more shine on our land as well as any other place that first turns to Him. Instead we turn inward thinking we have the answers while only making things worse.

Another reward is spiritual riches (see related blog and Prov. 22:4). The Spirit within us always feels better when life’s circumstances are handled with humility than with a sense of arrogance. The reason for this good feeling is that now your heart is prepared in a way that God would want to dwell there (Isaiah 57:15). As mentioned in a previous post we begin to have a sense of eternity with his indwelling presence.

So how does one come to this humility? Christ tells us the answer is to become like a little child (Matthew 18:4). A child is a picture of submission, trust, meekness and more. It is this personality which will bring out the faith in us which God seeks. Expressions like “man-up” or “in your face” become totally foreign to what God wants for us. Do this and God will place the world at our foot steps by releasing the flood waters of His grace (James 4:6) and even more importantly will lift us up to eternity (James 4:10). The IMPORTANCE OF HUMILITY is such that we need to open ourselves to it today.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY:  True human dignity comes when we humble ourselves before the Lord.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY:  James 4:6  “humility unlocks more grace”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY:  Lord I desire to come to You as a child would.


1. What are ways to show humility?

2. How do you handle honors you receive?

3. Has God turned His face from our land?

4. How do we see humility in a child?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

   View Gary’s website, Encouraging Others in Christ


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