Who’s Side Is God On?

There are moments in life when a person has to wonder about God.

It is our human nature. Questions of why things happen as they do and where will it all end come quickly to our mind. As always the bible comes to our aide in providing answers.

It begins with the fall of mankind which was brought on I believe primarily by the sins of pride and greed. it was what caused Lucifer to fall as a once favored angel and it was the desire to acquire what God had not planned for them that brought Adam and Eve to commit the original sin.

Since that time God has had to bring those who follow the wisdom of this world often to their knees so they could obtain the understanding of God. Only in our total reliance on God do we find happiness and salvation. So what about those who have not yet found this hope. Their one chance (if in their humility they can find understanding through the circumstance they face) is to be brought to nothing as we see in Job 8:22. It is only when the evil that is in us is taken to it’s lowest point that “the light at the end of the tunnel” is often first seen while for others their free will decisions never acknowledges that opportunity.

It is also not the wicked of this world who will be brought low but also the counsel or advice of those who advise others caught in their evil ways. God makes this abundantly clear in Isaiah 8:10. When standing on God’s Word victory in some form or fashion will always be ours.

Finally we are told that in the end times Babylon will come to nothing. It is believed by many that the last Battle of Armageddon will be on the plains of Megiddo between God’s chosen (most esp. Israel) and the powers that oppose them (likely Iraq, Iran, etc.). Each can determine for themselves how life on this earth will end but what is never in doubt is WHO’S SIDE IS GOD ON.

It is the side of those who will uphold Him and His Word.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Nothing ultimately comes to those who feel they need to fulfill only their natural desires.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY:  Job 8:22 “wicked will come to nothing”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY:  Lord may I always realize my fulfillment lies in You.


1. When does God speak loudest to you?

2. Have you ever felt God bringing you to a point of humility?

3. Who’s advice when needed should you seek or do you seek?

4. How do you understand Rev. 18:17?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

   View Gary’s website, Encouraging Others in Christ


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