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Kyle author Mark St. Pierre will talk about his nonfiction novel “Of Uncommon Birth: Dakota Sons in Vietnam” describing two Black Hills youths–one Indian, one white–who fought in the Vietnam War.  The story reflects almost two decades of research, he says.  He will explain how the writing process was applied: “Many interviews were conducted on the Pine Ridge Reservation, and without them this story could not have been told.”        

 St. Pierre will speak at 9 am to the Black Hills Veterans Writing Group on Saturday, January 8th, at the Western Dakota Technical Institute in Rapid City.

Set in the Black Hills and Vietnam, the book harnesses the “fictional” options open to a writer who wants to faithfully construct the reality of a wartime experience.  St. Pierre explores the deeply rooted patriotism, Christianity, family bonding, spiritualism and proud military heritage within the Pine Ridge community and greater Black Hills. 
A bonus is the many-paged table at the end listing the names and service data for American Indian military personnel killed, missing, or captured in the Vietnam War.
“In telling this story, I had to pick and choose dramatic elements and evolve a story line from a vast collection of taped, transcribed stories, to which I added settings and dialogue,” says St. Pierre, but adds that “Although the thematic choices are mine, this is a true story.”   A chapter from the book is available to read in advance on the Group’s website at


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