How Smart Do You Want To Be?

In the past I have shared with you…

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… what I believe is the sequence of learning which begins with knowledge then wisdom which comes with application of your knowledge and for some understanding which is realizing how everything fits into God’s plan. For many of the most intelligent people in the world there ability stops at simple knowledge or a little practical wisdom but few see God in all that life wraps around us yet we are told in Proverbs 9:10b that weight lossunderstanding comes only in getting to know God (the Holy One).

In Job 28:28 we are told that to depart from evil is understanding so it seems to me that evil would have to be defined by God and no one else otherwise  true understanding will never happen. It is at this point I differ with the ‘elite’ in society such as academia, media elite, those who govern and many others who try to substitute human reason for faith and the Word of God.

For the few of us who truly want to know God and spend hours in prayer, devotion and the study of God’s Word we will achieve ultimate understanding and we will see life in a way that truly makes sense. It will be as if we were blind and had out eyes opened for the very first time. When that happens you will also understand why some call evil good and good evil because they are the ones who have no understanding despite what may appear as coming from individuals of great knowledge and even wisdom. The question then remains HOW SMART DO YOU WANT TO BE?

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Understanding comes when uncertainty is erased by our seeking union with God.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: Proverbs 9:10b “ultimate understanding”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord thank you for Your understanding.


1. Are you seeking more from life than knowledge and wisdom?

2. Why is ‘human reason’ so important for so many people?

3. Who calls evil good and good evil?

4. What experiences have you had that have opened your eyes?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerke


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