Camping Season

This morning as I read my personal devotions…

Image result for camping

… I was made aware of an interesting fact shared in Exodus 19:2.

In that verse the word camping is used twice and in Hebrew the first time is with plural meaning and the second which takes place at the foot of Mt. Sinai is singular in purpose. It is at Mt. Sinai where the 10 Commandments or God’s Law is given and where unity and singularity of purpose begins.

AdThat struck me as interesting for several reasons the most important being that the source of unification was God’s Law and obedience to it. I believe that is a lesson for our nation or any nation as well. In the United States the founding and establishing fathers realized that as seen by their making Scripture evident on our monuments and documents. We prospered when that was the understanding. In the past several decades and growing rapidly that foundation has been obliterated by our court system’s rulings, secular humanists forcing their agenda backed by a willing media and even the current President for whatever reason all of whom have expressed that the United States is no longer a Christian nation and the Christian church must be marginalized and all beliefs (Christian and non-Christian) must be put on equal footing under a government which wants more authority to tell believers what to believe and how to act.

Throughout Scripture when that happens the greatness of a culture and a nation is shown to come to an end and not a pleasant one at that. I don’t mean to be a ‘doom and gloom’ prophetic speaker today but the path we are on at this point seems irreversible to me as we only have weak-kneed people governing us who speak nice words to get elected but do little if anything about the problem.

Paul’s words in Ephesians 4:4-6 explains what must happen to again find the greatness of years past and that comes from uniting behind the unity seen in our Triune nature of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and being guided once again by the one faith which helped establish us. It’s CAMPING SEASON and time to gather hypothetically again at the base of Mt. Sinai where hope for a singular heart and singular purpose is alone possible.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: A real camp experience comes from a Christian community who is united behind the foundation of the 10 Commandments.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: Exodus 19:2 “unity in camping”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord bring us together in You.


1. What is the evidence for the USA being intended to be a Christian nation?

2. How if possible can we find unity again?

3. Should there be a separation of church and state?

4. What should we expect from our leaders?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerke


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