Ted Cruz Raises Most Money

Senator Ted Cruz hasn’t gotten much media attention.

 Image result for ted cruz

That has started to change in recent days.

It might be because he has demonstrated his viability through the financial support he has received.  his campaign committee has raised more than any other, including Jeb Bush.  Ted Cruz is winning the money race.  $14.1 Million dollars puts him ahead of all other Republicans, but still behind Clinton and Sanders, whose committees have raised $47.5 Million and $15.2 Million, respectively.

When money from Super PACS supporting candidates is added to money raised by campaign committees, Cruz comes in behind Bush.  Bush $103 Million, Cruz $52.3 Million.  That stillDaane places Cruz ahead of all other Republican candidates.  Not a bad start.

 Cruz is clearly the most conservative candidate  That bothers the liberal media and mushy Republicans.  He also has a strong comprehension and record of support for the Constitution.  That is also troubling to the media and moderate Republicans.  This demonstration of financial support is no doubt troubling for them as well.

Conservatives should be encouraged with the strength of Cruz, given the broad field of candidates.  The race for the nomination has a long way to go, and Bush, in particular will prove to be a formidable foe, given the outside money he brings to the table.  There have been, and will continue to be efforts to discredit and diminish him, but…

Senator Cruz is off to a pretty good start.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

Gordon     “It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”




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1 comment for “Ted Cruz Raises Most Money

  1. stephen Magnani
    January 31, 2016 at 8:26 am

    I don’t really care about how much money someone has raised to become president. That is in-fact a big part of the problem and a dire need of a constitutional amendment to eliminate the requirement to purchase “air” time. This is what is so appealing about the opposition. What I want ARE THE SPECIFIC PLANS TO REPLACE OBAMA CARE, CHANGE THE TAX CODE….etc. Without specifics, the American people are simply signing a blank check.

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