Where Does Light Come From?

The answer to the question of our title is simple.

Image result for christmas lights

All light comes from God and must point to and return to Him. Light for mankind is important so much so that we try to save it (Daylight Savings Time). We are enamored by it at Christmas time when awards are given for best display of lights. We want to lengthen lights survival in a product we call incandescent bulbs and the list goes on and on.

As Christians we know that the source of all light now and for all eternity exists within the nature of God (1 John 1:5) and must return to Him. For a period of time while on this earth Scripture tells us “we are the light of the world” and our purpose is to point to Him and praise Him until one day our light here is extinguished and returns to Him.dream builders

I thought for a moment it would be interesting to look at how God has brought light to us beginning with the cosmic light spoken of in Genesis 1:3-5. This light is from the sun and stars and reflections of the moon we call moonlight. We in a sense worship this light as we should its creator God by enjoying planetarium shows, star gazing, sunbathing and numerous other ways. This is the light that brings life to our earth.

God also brings light to us through His angels as well (Acts 12:7). Angelic light involves miraculous events such as in the case of Peter’s release from jail (vs. 3-19) and the angelic announcement of Christ’s birth. Angels abound where miracles occur always pointing us to God and our need to praise Him.

Finally we have artificial or man made light (Acts 16:29). This light is only temporary as it comes from man not God. One day it will go out as it requires oxygen and a source from which to shine. So it is with mankind if our source is not the God of light then when we are no longer receiving oxygen we to will die to forever remain in darkness. That being said it should be more easily understood that WHERE LIGHT COMES FROM is God and our light must always point to Him.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: A triumphant and eternal life comes from the light of our Lord.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: Acts 12:7 “the miraculous light of angels”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord keep me in Your light.


  1. In what ways do we seem enamored by light?
  2. As God’s light on earth how are you shining?
  3. How do you involve yourself in the various ways God has brought light to us?
  4. How do you understand the absence of light and the human condition?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerke


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