George W. Bush Is A Liar

For that matter, so is anyone else who challenges Donald Trump.

Image result for george w bush is a liar

At least, according to Trump.

If Trump had any credibility, he continued to erode it when he accused George W. Bush of lying to the American people about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

It doesn’t become truth just because Trump “says so”.

To begin with, the world intelligence community agreed that there were weapons of mass destruction.  Even though none were found at the time, recent reports confirm their existence.  Still, whether or not there were any, it is a significant stretch to suggest that George W. Bush lied.

The Trump campaign seems to have denigrated to shouting Liar, Liar, Liar.  The media has clearly demonstrated their willingness to promote his wild and irresponsible accusations against George W. Bush as well as Senator Ted Cruz.

Enough, with the Trump trash.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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1 comment for “George W. Bush Is A Liar

  1. February 17, 2016 at 8:27 am

    Actually, chemical weapons WERE found in Iraq, just not in the volume we suspected. This is proven, documented fact.

    Saddam was also in violation of 17 UN resolutions (backed by US military power, prestige and credibility) prior to the invasion, providing more than enough justification for the invasion. This is proven, documented fact.

    Saddam refused to allow the agreed-upon weapons inspections to ensure there were no WMDs in the country, providing more than enough justification for the invasion. This is proven, documented fact.

    Iraq was in violation of the cease fire terms of the Persian Gulf War, providing more than enough justification for the invasion. This is proven, documented fact.

    Saddam was also funding terrorism in the Middle East if not elsewhere. This is proven, documented fact.

    Iraq had fired on US and British aircraft patrolling the no-fly zone over 200 times in just the year before the invasion alone, providing more than enough justification for the invasion. This is proven, documented fact.

    George W. Bush was far from a reliable conservative, and did many things poorly or wrong. The way the occupation and rebuilding of Iraq was handled may have even been one of them.

    But he did not lie about the multiple justifications for the Iraq invasion.

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