The Elephant In The Room

The race for the White House on the Republican side has reached a new low.Image result for elephant in the room

The people who are outspoken about the candidates are solid in their support and nothing will change their mind.

On line you see people attacking those who are supporting Trump as being stupid, not worthy to vote and other vicious attacks.

My theory of why Trump supporters are so entrenched is this. They have become so cynical and so disgusted with the current political establishment and what they perceive as the good old boy Republicans that they won’t believe anything.   Given the partial and somewhat (I am trying to be kind) biased media why should they?

The Republican party over the years on local and national levels have had the ability to pick the candidates that they want, push them, discourage anyone else who may want to enter the race and have for all intents and purposes “had their way.”

Donald Trump, and to a somewhat lesser degree Ted Cruz as well, have thrown a monkey wrench into the Republican Establishment’s plans this year. They are trying the spin that if either of these two candidates emerges as the nominee they are doomed and the Democrat’s assumed nominee, Hillary Clinton, is moving back into the White House with Bill in tow.

What they are really afraid of is that if either of these candidates wins the nomination they will in fact WIN the White House but it will be a new game in town. The current entrenched elected officials and bureaucrats as well are scared of change. Not the “talk about it change” but REAL change.

Think of this analogy. Who better to protect your house than to ask a reformed burglar how he would get in and steal your possessions? He knows the system, knows what to do and knows how to fleece you.

Donald Trump knows the system. He is bucking the system from a financial donor aspect as well as not playing by the Republican rules. The establishment knows he knows because he has bought and paid for most of them.

This is why the Republicans are afraid of Donald Trump.

Cruz on the other hand, the other viable outsider in the race scares the establishment as he has shown a backbone to take them on as well.   Cruz just doesn’t seem to garner the enthusiasm and momentum that Trump gets.

As the unelected “Elephant in the Room” it puts Trump in the driver’s seat.

*** Janette McIntyre *** is an author, training & development manager and Life and Liberty News contributor

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