
If someone came to each of you today and offered you a choice…

Image result for choose ye this day

… to receive either the wisdom of man or the power of God which would you take. You might say that is foolish obviously taking God’s power but think carefully on how we and those around us are playing out  this scenario in today’s world.

Recently I became familiar with the way our society has wrongly bought into the Greek linear way of thinking which is horizontal in nature and leads to Gnosticism. What this all means is that for Greeks control lay in knowledge. The more knowledge you acquired the more in control of your life and others you were. What this does is place trust in man and not God. The problem is that a desire to seek the knowledge of God is abandoned and it easily can ultimately lead to no restraint and sexual immorality.

I say this partially based on actual events taking place in my state and others as I write this. The absolutes of God’s Word and the fence like parameters it has set for our well being have been abandoned for the politically correct notion that mind and its emotional needs are a higher priority. Fences are down or irrelevant and the open gates of Gnosticism ultimately are open leading to a new normal.

Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:12 speaks of this and the disciples personally experienced this when acting as though they knew better. The wisdom (or in my view foolishness) of man versus the power (or understanding) of God became clearly evident.

Whether this world will one day come to its senses I do not know though I continue to pray that will happen. What I do know is that I agree with Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:5 and my faith will not be misplaced. As a state and nation we need today to do as someone once said which is that as a fallen people to stand before God we must first get on our knees. EITHER we do that OR there will be a price to pay.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: The wisdom of man is worthless unless spent seeking the will of God.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: 1 Corinthians 2:5 “wisdom of man or power of God”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord I seek your power and understanding.

  1. Which is your higher priority: wisdom of man or understanding of God?
  2. How has Gnosticism taken over our society?
  3. What happens when we abandon God’s understanding and power?
  4. What happens eventually when we put mind (without God) over matter?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerke


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