By Ed Randazzo

A notable quote from Dr.Charles Dunn, Regent University’s Robertson School of Government: “The tea party and the Republican Party, if they divide, they will harm one another. The Republican Party needs the tea party in order to mount a serious campaign against President Obama. The tea party needs the Republican Party in order to achieve its goals.”

The tea party victories in November 2010 tell us that the tea party movement is determined and formidable. The RINO Republican victories tell us that the RINOs will not go quietly into the night.

The battle ground is the primaries. The time is now for the tea parties to maintain a high level of energy and engagement to encourage and support legislators at every level. Praise them when they affirm conservative values with their votes. Admonish them when they don’t.

Identify and encourage quality candidates to run for office.

It’s up to us to make it happen.



  1. Independent
    February 6, 2011 at 2:47 pm

    The tea party is going to divide and bring the GOP down significantly, so they won’t be able to compete with the President in 2012. President Obama is going to be re-elected, that’s pretty much a fact, thanks in large part to the tea party. The saving grace is the tea party might drive enough people away from the GOP and into the Independent fold, to make a difference in 2016. Partisanship is slowly ruining the country, not liberalism, conservatism or fundamentalism.

    • Ed Randazzo
      February 6, 2011 at 3:03 pm

      Partisanship is what we expect of our elected representatives. You just don’t like to stand firm for anything. In your world middle-of-the-road is good. It’s good if it feels good, ya know. Praise God for those who are willing to stand for what is right whether they be tea partiers, conservatives or those dreaded fundamentalists that you see on your lawn at night. We’ll see about 2012 there, Inde.

      • Independent
        February 7, 2011 at 10:49 am

        If I were a betting man and non-partisan Independent I’d put everything I own on President Obama’s re-election. Seriously though, the tea party is dividing the GOP. You guys are way too far right, I presume because you believe it’s OK to combine your religous beliefs and your politics. As if God needs political help from a group of mortal Gentiles.

  2. Patrick Henry
    February 2, 2011 at 9:48 pm

    Yes, keep their feet to the fire. Just finished emailing a herd of our state Senator s and Reps. re the tax hikes they are planning ie SB 154. We need to keep on these rascals like you have to keep on your kids to clear their plates!
    Keep passing the open windows!

  3. Ed Schlitz
    February 2, 2011 at 4:53 pm

    Amen, Bro!

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