Rebels Stood and Fought at Lexington and Concord

images-4On April 19, 1775, ordinary Americans stood up to the overwhelming military superiority of the British Empire. The Battle of Lexington and Concord was the start of the Revolutionary War.  David was taking on Goliath.  “When tyranny consumes America some will stand and fight” is the battlecry of the novel Patriot Dawn mentioned in my last post. 

      The Concord Depot was, of course, where the Americans were storing their rebel guns—and the Redcoat army meant to shut things down.  But 70 citizens decided that enough was enough.  The minutemen were precursors to the Alamo, and 8 of them lay dead after the first shots were fired.  The unexpected show of force, however, won a temporary retreat.  Just enough time to get the arsenal out of Concord.

        The Concord weapons would show up again as the British army made its way back to Boston. A rebel militia of shopkeepers, farmers, and blacksmiths had become guerrilla fighters.  Avoiding a toe-to-toe massed confrontation, the Patriots had discovered how to ambush the Redcoats and take pot shots from behind trees, risking far fewer.  During the march to Boston, 73 British were killed and 174 shot.

        Guerrilla tactics are much in favor these days in US political circles.  How else can you advance a political agenda which would not pass muster if exposed to the familiar democratic vetting. The president may have lost both houses of congress, but he still can be the lone gunman if opportunity and technicalities are wide open, such as trefugeessyriahe executive order to secretly bypass congress and the entire US population.  Bring lots of Muslims to the US.  A good tool for loading up voters for the Democratic Party so that welfare-dependent Third World people can flood the electoral process, overwhelming traditional voters.  America undermined from within is easier than facing an invading army, isn’t it?

   bernie     More selected Muslims in the US will also help to recover the tarnished image of the CIA when it comes to intelligence-gathering capacity in the Muslim world.  Who better to recruit for espionage agents that can be sent back to the Middle East to infiltrate and gather information?  After all, US education still encourages the languages of Europeans, though most speak English very well.  Best for the beltway boys to pooh-pooh away any other interpretation .

       Muslims not selected by the CIA at their wine-and-cheese strategy briefings remain discontent and insolent and marginalized despite gushing warm-welcome (that is, don’t be a racist) messages on local news channels.  The numbers indicate the seeding potential for future “anchor” arrivals.

      America’s immigration policy in the past has been largely focused on somewhat like-minded Christian transplants.  But Muslims aren’t pliable in the same way.  It seems unreasonable that we should expect them to be tabula rasa culturally, as if a blank slate because past values are only shallowly embedded.


1 comment for “Rebels Stood and Fought at Lexington and Concord

  1. Brad Ford
    April 19, 2016 at 2:25 pm

    Wikipedia reports that “Minutemen were private colonists who independently organized to form well-prepared militia companies self-trained in weaponry, tactics and military strategies from the American colonial partisan militia during the American Revolutionary War. They were also known for being ready in a minute’s notice. They provided a highly mobile, rapidly deployed force that allowed the colonies to respond immediately to war threats, hence the name.”

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