Bible Police

California Sherriff’s Department forbids distribution of Bible verses.

Image result for sheriff at the door


A California public school teacher called the mother of a 7 year old student to tell her that her son could no longer share Bible verses with other students because students were  “not allowed to share such things while at school.”  The teacher cited the mythical “separation of church and state”.

The mother had been sending a Bible verse with her son in his lunch.  Other students began asking him to read it to them, and then asking for a copy for themselves.  It also caught the attention of the teacher, who just could not have this kind of misbehavior in her classroom during lunch time.

The school also dispatched the local Sheriff’s office to the student’s home to inform the parents.

I have always been amazed at how uneducated many teachers are on the subject of religious freedom in schools.  There are, obviously, those who want to silence religious freedom because they themselves are agnostic, atheist or anti-Christian.  But even many Christian teachers have bought into the deception that there cannot be any evidence of Christian faith expressed in, around or near the classroom.  If you tell a lie, big enough and often enough, soon it becomes accepted as truth.

In my first year as a State Legislator, I authored a Concurrent Resolution which identified the religious liberties afforded to schools and citizens in South Dakota.  It passed with no dissenting votes in the House or the Senate.  I believe the Resolution should be posted in every school and be required reading for students, parents…AND TEACHERS.


When law enforcement participates in restricting religious liberty, it’s time for action!


***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”



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2 comments for “Bible Police

  1. June 11, 2016 at 7:42 am

    Could you share a copy of the resolution?

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