Whacking Weeds

Image result for weeds by the house

While I was whacking weeds over the weekend in my back yard one observation I had was how tenacious the weeds have been this year. I have sprayed and whacked weeds numerous times this summer and yet they still continue to grow with an incredible determination.

Anyway, I began asking myself if I have as much commitment for growth in my life, as these weeds seem to have. Hmmm, when I am attacked do I cower and shiver in fear or do I pull myself back up and press on reaching ever higher and higher? Yes, I do have a strong resolve in my life. It’s my personal motivations, dreams, goals, and accountabilities that all contribute to this process of personal and professional growth.

We all have “weeds” in our lives that we must continue to pull, plucking the bad attitudes and habits up by their very roots. We can whack them off, but if we do not pull them out by the roots and cause some major change in the way that we do things, these bad habits and attitudes will surface again. In fact, they will actually come back bigger and stronger than before. This is not good. It just causes more pain and agony.

When we do get things cleaned up in our lives there is a great opportunity for new, more positive things to sprout in our person-hood. This is what I am after. How about you?

Well I, got my yard cleaned up. Now it’s time to get busy cleaning up those pesky habits. May I encourage you to do the same? Richer, fuller and happier lives await us, so let’s get to work whacking weeds.

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