55% Say Obama’s Budget Doesn’t Cut Enough

By Ed Randazzo

From Rasmussen Reports 2/16/2011

Most voters don’t think President Obama’s proposed $3.7 trillion federal budget includes enough spending cuts, and despite House Republican plans to cut substantially more, a plurality of voters don’t think the GOP goes far enough either.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 55% of Likely U.S. Voters say, generally speaking, that the president’s budget proposal cuts government spending too little. Ten percent (10%) say it cuts too much, while 26% say his budget cuts about the right amount.

While congressional Republicans are criticizing the president for not cutting enough and are planning much bigger budget cuts, 40% of voters say, generally speaking, that the changes proposed by the GOP also cut government spending too little. Twenty-eight percent (28%) say Republicans want to cut too much, while 18% think their planned budget cuts are about right. Fourteen percent (14%) are not sure.

Republican voters are even more critical of the legislators from their own party. Fifty-one percent (51%) of Republicans say the changes proposed by congressional Republicans cut too little, a view shared by 41% of voters not affiliated with either of the major political parties.

It appears that President Obama is steering a course to encourage a government shutdown over the budget.  He apparently believes he can revive his presidency and ensure his re-election as Bill Clinton did back in ’95.

That wont work this time, Mr. President.  In 2011 the budget deficit is astronomically higher than in 1995 and the people are far more supportive of deeper cuts to reduce the deficit as noted above in the Rasmussen poll.

The Republicans should not shy away from confrontation over the budget cuts.  The voters spoke loudly last November.  Take action now or suffer the consequences in 2012.


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