Dealing With Other People’s Choices

Consequences are not always the result of our own choices.

Image result for life isn't fair

The political choices of other people have resulted in consequences I have not enjoyed.  Eight years of Barack Obama is one at the forefront of my mind.  Even though I did not vote for him or support his political agenda I have been subjected to the consequences.  Some affected me significantly and very personally.  Still, I lived through it.

Children don’t get to choose where they are born or live.  Their parents make those choices and the children simply deal with it, for better or worse.  Wives make choices that produce consequences for husbands.  Husbands do the same.

The serenity prayer is worth considering, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,Courage to change the things I can,And wisdom to know the difference.”  Some people have turned it around, choosing a moto of “Change the things I cannont accept”.  That’s fine to a point, but some things are not changeable.

Life is filled with unexpected events which have nothing to do with our own actions.  The choices we have are obvious; either live unhappily or deal with it.

I choose to deal with it.  Where I can change things for the better, I will.  If circumstances resulting from someone else’s choices (or my own for that matter) are unchangeable, I will find a way to live successfully in spite of it.

Choices made by others can’t control my response.


***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

Gordon“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”

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1 comment for “Dealing With Other People’s Choices

  1. Krista Kretschmer
    January 2, 2017 at 10:34 am

    Well said! I think for mothers (or any parent or grandparent) it’s doubly difficult to let go of what you cannot change, or to deal with the unfairness of consequences of what someone ELSE decided to do–or not to do. We want to “fix” everything & everyone back to a state of happiness & getting along, but sadly all we can do is pray & feel hopeless otherwise. Thanks for the reminder to let go & let God. <3

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