Russia Didn’t Hack America

It wasn’t our government that was hacked.

Image result for russian hackers

It was the Democrat National Committee and other political organizations and individuals connected to the Democrat Party.  It also was NOT the electoral process.

Additionally, Julian Assange insists that his source was NOT Russia.  In an interview with Sean Hannity, he said, “We can say, we have said, repeatedly that over the last two months that our source is not the Russian government and it is not a state party.”  That sounds pretty conclusive.  He continues by saying Obama is promoting the Russian narrative in an effort to delegitimize the Trump Presidency.  The suggestion is that it’s payback for the Trump assault on Obama’s citizenship.

It might be interesting to remember that it was Hillary Clinton’s PRIVATE server that was hacked, not a government server.  In early November the FBI sources were 99% certain that Clinton’s (private) server had been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies.

So, even if “the Russians did it”, what exactly did they do?  Did they hack America’s government security system?  No.  Did they hack our electoral system?  No.  The real story would be that Democrats made themselves vulnerable to hackers by not using adequate security.  The way they have mismanaged public policy and government administration, we should not be surprised that their own enterprises were mismanaged as well.

All of this causes me to ask another question.  If the hacking revealed lots of information the Democrats didn’t want revealed, why are REPUBILCANS so upset about it?

Maybe they are concerned about what their own emails could reveal.



***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

Gordon“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”

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3 comments for “Russia Didn’t Hack America

  1. January 3, 2017 at 8:51 am

    If you believe anything that Julian Assange says in a situation like this one, well, good for you. If you believe ANYTHING on Sean Hannity says, ever, check your meds. (Pause for chuckle from Gordon).

    Double check these facts. I believe that Hillary’s private server in her basement, was, ironically, one that was NOT hacked by the Russians in this last go-round and I talked to a computer expert who provided a credible explanation about why that would be so. I believe it was the DNC and the campaign’s computers that were hacked. Either way, there does seem to be some dispute about the facts and that’s why we need a full Congressional investigation in addition to having the Intelligence community on the job.

    Here’s a key point, though, regardless of whether it was the Russian government, Russian mafiosa, or someone else they put up to it: If the Russians can do it to the Democrats, they can do it to the Republicans, too, the minute it becomes advantageous to them to do so. Perhaps they already have and are just waiting for the right moment to let fly with what they’ve found.

    • January 3, 2017 at 9:19 am

      You got me… I laughed in the right place 🙂 I agree with everything you said after that. I do find myself wishing we could see the emails and hear the conversations of politicians of every stripe.. you know, the ones that reflect their PRIVATE policies and character

    • January 3, 2017 at 9:20 am

      ps… just for the record, I don’t believe everything I hear on Fox either. Seems the media in general serves ratings first.

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