Clinton and Bush Dynasties


Some may breath a heavy sigh of relief.  Both Clintons and Bushes have led their Party and the nation further to the left.  That isn’t any surprise regarding the Clintons.  The Bush move to the left has been less noticeable… even by conservatives.  Maybe it has just been tolerated, because Bush senior and junior claim conservative credentials.  In truth, they were both entrenched in the establishment wing of their Party.

Now (thankfully) all of that has come to an end.  The ever-growing list of Clinton scandals finally crossed the line, even with most Democrats, with the revelations that the Clintons rigged the Presidential nomination process.  To some, George W’s admission that he refused to vote for Trump or Clinton, may be forgivable.  Conservatives may be less forgiving of his embracing the expansion of government programs and spending policies.  George, the elder, sealed the deal by casting his vote for Clinton.  Most Republicans will forgive him on a personal level, but not politically.

Trump has yet to establish a Trump Dynasty.  Even so, it is hard to argue against the assertion that he is governing “Bigly”.

One thing is obvious to anyone watching.  There is a new sheriff in town.  The Democrats are out.  The “establishment” wing of the Republican party is on the way out.  The Clinton style of politics proved to be their own demise.  The “establishment”, left wing, moderate Republicans are kicking and screaming, but it is happening as they are being dragged out of the room.  That process may take a while.  It is gaining momentum and will result in a house cleaning of the Republican Party.  How deep the cleaning is, remains to be seen.  Donald Trump is President.  He is the leader of the Republican Party.  The new political parade is marching through the halls of power, with Donald Trump, front and center.  For those who object, the message is short and sweet, “Get over it”.

Out with the old… In with the new!

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

Gordon“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”

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