People Are Still Standing

The Super Bowl approaches.  It will be watched by millions.

Image result for america the beautiful

It’s a great game, and obviously a popular sport.

Despite the attempts of many Leftists to attack America at much-watched events like professional football, there is STILL much to be proud of and thankful for.  America is becoming “great again”.

Does this video of Ray Charles stir your soul?


Yea, I thought so.  Mine too.

While Leftists complain and attack this country, I find much to be proud of and thankful for.

I am thankful our President spoke at the March for Life.  His bold stand for unborn children gives me hope America is going the right direction on that issue.

The “crumbs” coming my way because of the new tax law are VERY MUCH appreciated.  Millions of Americans will be enjoying these “crumbs”… literally thousands of dollars for families just like mine!

I am proud of what America stands for today.  We are, once again, leading the world in efforts for freedom and prosperity.

Significant reductions in regulations that have allowed some utility companies to LOWER RATES to customers, causing untold numbers of Americans to join me in thanksgiving.  When has that ever happened before?

Protecting the integrity of America’s borders and our economic security through FAIR trade agreements encourages me and makes me proud to be an American.

Yes, there is MUCH to be thankful for.  I am still PROUD to be an American.  It I a real puzzle why Leftist are working so hard to destroy our country at a time when we have begun the long journey back to being what made us great in the first place.  It’s hard to understand why Leftists cheer as historic landmarks are destroyed.  The openly expressed hatred for the President reveals the depravity of heart of Leftists who malign him and even call for his assassination.  It’s ironic that Leftists, who have no Godly moral compass use every opportunity to malign Evangelical Christians who do.

Leftist have it all exactly upside down.  It makes me wonder if the Scripture was written specifically with them in mind… “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil”.  The best they can do is to suggest (laughably) that economic gains are somehow the result of Obama policies.

There is much left to do.  All is not well.  BUT, we have turned a corner.  As America surges back to health, prosperity and patriotism, Leftists simply increase their efforts to destroy that which gives us cause to be proud and thankful Americans.  While more reasonable men and women are standing proudly, Leftists are taking their seats in increasing numbers.

I am still among those standing.

*** Gordon Howie *** is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media

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