Should The Republican Party Worry About Losing 25%??

If I thought I lost 25% of anything I’d be worried………….


Kristi Noem’s Lt. Governor choice can be seen a couple different ways.

First she could be seen as one who won’t be told what to do. Who is doing the telling what to do may really be the question.

She made it known very early on who her Lt. Governor choice would be. Larry Rhoden’s name was mentioned long before the convention. There are certainly supporters and those who didn’t think he was the best choice. She stuck to her guns and held tight to her choice. Was her choice for a team player or someone who as suggested, “knows the legislature” or someone who is better positioned to protect the status quo in Pierre? By status quo I mean all of the baggage of the last two administrations, both of which Larry Rhoden was a water carrier for.

I met Larry for the first time during a meet and greet and spoke with both he and his wife. I don’t hold any historical angst toward him at all. He was cordial to me and I actually discussed an economic development issue with him. He seemed sincerely interested and asked me to forward information to him. I did. I never heard from him again, not even a reply saying that he received the information. Maybe he was too busy.

What would have been signaled if Kristi had chosen someone not of the mainstream Pierre fabric? Or at the very least, someone not so closely tied to the current administration’s positions? Would she have been seen by many as a Governor candidate who would not be tied to the current scandal ridden administrations of the past? Could she have been seen as sincerely interested in the concerns and contributions of those considered further right that would quite possibly have strengthened her team?

The irony of this choice is telling to many. Some believe it will be a continuation of the Rounds/Daugaard era of bigger government and a tax and spend mentality complete with the infiltration of Democrats and current scandals that will not go away. After all, EB5 and Gear Up were both federal programs that Kristi’s US House position should have, at the very least, had some interest in.

I will give Kristi the benefit of the doubt on one thing. She may not have wanted to accept the far right conservatives suggestions or be told who her Lt. Governor choice should be. Not meeting with them and discussing it may be a political mistake you would not expect from someone as politically polished as Kristi.

Indulge me to illustrate the point. The Daugaard administration interviewed me for the open seat after the tragic death of Craig Tieszen. It gave the appearance that they were being fair and I was considered. I felt pretty good about it until I discovered the truth. The four interviewers who drove to Rapid City from Pierre and I were wasting our time. The choice had been announced the day before. I have been called cynical. I think calling out hypocrites is more accurate. Kristi still has a ways to go to catch up to Daugaard’s playbook.

Is it any wonder why some Republicans feel disenfranchised? This isn’t sour grapes or taking our toys and going home. It’s a serious percentage of people who will not be discounted, marginalized or dismissed any longer.

As the sayings go, once fooled, shame on you. Twice fooled, shame on me. Three strikes and you’re out!

Was this weekend’s Republican convention the third strike for some? Wouldn’t you pause and reconsider before losing the support, directly or indirectly of 25% of your members? I guess not.

*** Janette McIntyre *** is an author, training & development manager and Life and Liberty News contributor


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