Trump, Guilty Until Proven Innocent

That was the Mueller version of justice.

After the extensive and expensive two year investigation, Mueller came up with nothing.  If there had been any “there” there, it would have certainly been pursued to the full extent.  Instead, with unlimited resources, Mueller found nothing that could be classified as collusion or obstruction.

An objective observer would have to conclude that this was an exercise in futility, which was used (if not designed) to embarrass and hopefully unseat an American President.

Mueller has turned justice completely upside down.  It is no longer ‘innocent until proven guilty’.  It is now, ‘guilty unless you can prove you are innocent’.  That, my friends, is an impossible task.

In his statement to the press, Mueller disclosed more about himself than anything else.  It was painfully obvious that he is interested not in the pursuit of justice, but in the pursuit of one Donald J. Trump.

“… if we had confidence that the president did not clearly commit a crime, we would have said so.”  

His further assertion that it would have been “unfair” to accuse the President of a crime should be a red flag for anyone watching.  One might ask, then… What, exactly WAS your job? If there had been evidence of criminality, were you not responsible to uncover it and reach a conclusion regarding sufficient (or insufficient) evidence of a crime?

Mueller also made it clear that he intended to leave a dark cloud of doubt hanging over the President.

  “No questions allowed from the press”.  “No testimony before Congress.”

It is a bit like the dictatorial parent saying, “Because I said so”.

If Mueller had the goods, he would have delivered the goods.  He didn’t.  He doesn’t.  This is the best he can do for his Leftist friends.  His masterful performance before the press was his last-best parting shot.  The translation of it all could be summed up in a simple sentence:

No evidence of guilt does not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the President is innocent.

*** Gordon Howie *** is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media

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