Note To Dusty Johnson

Tip O’Neill said “All politics is local”.

You would do well to remember that.

The people who voted to send you to DC support funding to build a border wall and secure the border.  Your vote against it was not well received here at home.

Your criticism of President Trump’s tweets doesn’t win you any favor with the people who voted for you.  We are left wondering why you have time to criticize the President who has done more to advance an America First agenda than any other in our lifetime, but don’t bother to mention anything about the radical team of four of your freshman House-mates.

It begs the questions, “Whose side are you on?” and “What is YOUR agenda?”.

Dusty, two years is a pretty short period of time.  Your opportunity to build a positive record of achievement is a narrow window.  To this point, most of us are not impressed with your performance.  On the other hand, we have been seriously won over by this President by HIS record of accomplishments.  You might want to consider joining his team.

We would welcome your response, explaining these two actions, and your silence on so many others.  If you deem it worth your time to respond, I will publish your (unedited) response.

To be clear, I have no personal desire to become your adversary, and no personal axe to grind.  BUT, you are accountable to those of us who voted for you, and many of us aren’t very happy at this point.  Discussions of a challenge in the next primary are circulating.  You still have enough time to convince us that you are supporting this President and doing what we sent you there to do.  It would be a good time to re-focus.

Wishing you well, and hoping for the best.

*** Gordon Howie *** is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media

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4 comments for “Note To Dusty Johnson

  1. Dusty Johnson
    July 25, 2019 at 7:41 am

    Hi Gordon,

    Thanks for offering me the chance to respond to your post. Here’s my response.

    Since joining Congress, I have been a conservative voice, a defender of the Constitution, and a reliable supporter of the President’s agenda. Here are a few facts:

    Scorecards never tell the whole story, but one well-respected measure of conservatism in Congress is put out by Heritage Action (the political arm of the Heritage Foundation). On that scorecard, I have 98% conservative rating. I’ve also cast conservative votes, without exception, on bills and amendments scored by Right to Life and the NRA.

    The President and I agree on the need to secure the southern border. My voting record proved that throughout the government shutdown. Day in and day out, I refused to vote for the appropriations packages that didn’t include wall funding.

    In fact, I have voted with the President every single time on appropriating funds (the proper legal mechanism) for the border. Additionally, when the President has wanted to access funding sources within Homeland Security for the wall, I have supported him.

    Our efforts have already secured more than $5 billion for the wall and $4.5 billion to address other issues at our southern border. The President has asked for $8 billion more starting October 1, and I support him.

    Just last week, I voted against beginning impeachment proceedings, against officially condemning the President for his twitter remarks, and against holding Attorney General Barr and Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross in contempt.

    Those votes were consistent with my support of the President’s agenda throughout my tenure in Congress. Here are just a few of the major votes I’ve cast, working with the White House to advance American interests:

    Opposed federalizing and publicly subsidizing our elections VOTED WITH THE PRESIDENT
    Oppose $15 minimum wage VOTED WITH THE PRESIDENT
    Oppose Pelosi appropriations VOTED WITH THE PRESIDENT
    Protect White House arm sales discretion VOTED WITH THE PRESIDENT
    Oppose strengthening CFPB VOTED WITH THE PRESIDENT
    Oppose Obamacare bailout VOTED WITH THE PRESIDENT
    Oppose Second Amendment restrictions VOTED WITH THE PRESIDENT
    Protect Born-Alive Abortion Survivors VOTED WITH THE PRESIDENT
    Support of USMCA trade deal SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT

    Like the President, I speak my mind and I’m not a rubber stamp for anyone. No two people agree on everything, and I do think the President is more effective when he is talking about his strengths and the strengths of this nation, rather than talking about other people. But I have an excellent working relationship with the White House, and my voting record clearly proves that I have been a conservative voice, a defender of the Constitution, and a reliable supporter of the President’s agenda.

  2. Joel
    July 16, 2019 at 10:57 am

    So are you saying that Dusty should go back to where he came from? I’m guessing it would be some country in Europe, but if we’re urging people with whom we disagree to leave the USA, it’s probably going to include some from northern countries.

  3. Joel
    July 16, 2019 at 10:55 am

    So are you saying that Dusty should go back to where he came from?

  4. Peggy Napoli
    July 16, 2019 at 10:48 am

    Gordon, You are spot on. Thank you for standing up, and telling it like it is.
    I only wish our congressman Dusty Johnson would sit down and read the vile and destructive things these Anti-American women and men say about, not only our President, but our country, our Christianity, and the American Way Of Life.

    Dusty campaigned that he read the farm bill, and he eluded to the fact that he was the only one who could understand it.

    So, I demand he should research and investigate those in congress who are determined to destroy the greatest nation in the world. They (the anti-American elected officials), have no problem threatening to destroy our system, open the borders, pervert our Christian believes, and hand out our money to uneducated robots, to achieve ultimate power.

    We all have our faults, yet, I believe AMERICA IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. May GOD protect us from those who wish us harm.

    And, may our only congressman, realize that there are many of us who support President Trump. Congressman Johnson, is like a whirlwind of dust in the wind. Congressman Johnson’s values are not what made America Great.

    Peggy Napoli

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