Obama wants back in the game

Obama is back on the stump and he wants back in the game..

Not wanting to waste the debt ceiling crisis, he used the East Room of the White House last evening to campaign for re-election.

He used the bully pulpit again to dredge up the blame Bush excuse for the current crisis. That dog doesn’t hunt anymore, Barack. This economic crisis is yours.

The debate over the national debt  is really a debate to reign in the disastrous spending orgy of the Obama regime. NOTHING Obama has done has had a positive effect on the economy. Now he wants us to trust his “balanced approach” which makes no “abrupt cuts” in spending but raises the debt ceiling abruptly.

He said “raising the debt ceiling does not allow Congress to spend more money.” Of course it does, Mr. President and you know it. He blames the Republicans in Congress for upholding their promise to the American people to stop the unrestrained spending in Washington. I say thank God for the Republicans who are standing steadfast on their promise.

He said that “that a lot of the new members of Congress and I don’t see eye-to-eye on many issues” as though they are the problem. He also said “History is scattered with the stories of those who held fast to rigid ideologies and refused to listen to those who disagreed. But those are not the Americans we  remember.” Perhaps he does not remember the single-minded steadfast dedication of John Quincy Adams to the rigid ideology of the abolition of slavery in this country.

Moderates do not make history.

But the real reason for the prime time invasion of the airwaves was to get back in the game of looking like he is part of the solution when, in fact, he is the problem.

Since last Friday when Speaker of the House John Boehner broke off talks with the White House to draft a workable solution to this debt limit, Obama has been marginalized. Even Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid realizes that Obama has lost his mojo and now he has been dealt out of the game.


