Michele Bachmann: A Serious Candidate

After three debates, Michele Bachmann is undaunted and remains a serious candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination.

She fully intends to be the Republican presidential candidate who will make Barack Obama a one-termer.

When asked about front-runners Mitt Romney and Rick Perry after the GOP debate in Orlando Thursday night, Bachmann strongly restated that she is “planning to become the next president of the United States.”

“I think what conservatives need to realize that this is the election where we don’t have to settle for a candidate,” said Bachmann, founder and head of the House Tea Party Caucus. “President Obama will be a one-term president. That’s why we need to make sure we nominate a full constitutional conservative who’s right on the issues, who’s right on immigration, whose right on repealing Obamacare.

“Unfortunately, both of the governors said they will issue an executive order or waiver,” Bachmann said. “That won’t get rid of Obamacare. This is the time to end Obamacare, and I introduced a bill and I’m the person who will do this as president of the United States.”

Bachmann also took issue with Texas Gov. Perry’s defense of a state program that gives children of illegal immigrant’s in-state college tuition.

“One thing that I know from people across the country, they are done with having taxpayers pay for subsidized benefits for illegal aliens, they are done with it,” she said. “And I will build the fence and I will protect American sovereignty.”

Bachmann also expressed her delight in how the GOP debates have gone, saying the face-offs provide an opportunity for the candidates to be vetted.

“Let’s remember the Democrats are not going to hold back in the general election so we have got to be fully vetted before the American people,” she said. “They deserve that.”

Michele Bachmann is indeed a serious candidate that deserves serious consideration. She remains a strong contender in Iowa, and in light of Rick Perry’s recent poor performances that highlight his questionable record, she may regain some of the strength that she lost when he entered the arena.

***Ed Randazzo, is a nationally syndicated author and the Chief News Editor of Life and Liberty Media***

