Trump: American Dictator

“Because I said so.”

Image result for donald trump

That line works if you are the parent of a young child or the owner of a billion dollar business, but not if you are President of the United States.  It would only work that way if America was a dictatorship and you were the Dictator.

Trump might win the Republican nomination, but if he does (I personally don’t think he will) it won’t be “because he said so”.  If he should win the race for the White House he would definitely need some on the job training.

Being President is not exactly like running a business.  The Founding Fathers created a government that recognizes three co-equal branches.  America was not designed to be run by a dictator.  George Washington recognized that if America was going to be free and successful, he could not be a King.  America needed a President.dream builders

Barack Obama would prefer to be a Dictator.  If he doesn’t get what he wants, he “goes around Congress”.  How is that working out for us?

Trump does not seem to recognize the importance of private property rights.  He has demonstrated his support for the use of eminent domain in the taking of private property for private development.  That crosses the line.  His willingness to paint with a very broad brush appears to be largely based on “because I said so” policies.  Mexico will pay for the border wall “because I said so”.  Anyone killing a policeman will get the death penalty “because I said so”.  If you are listening at all you will hear time and again, between the lines of rhetoric, “because I said so”.

When it comes to policy positions, the media has been unable to get specifics from Trump.  His powerful way of presenting his positions, ideas and proposals come with “because I said so”, and that settles it.  I have watched with amazement as media personalities simply give Trump a pass, and are unable to get beyond, “because I said so”.  That might be good for Trump on the campaign trail, but it would be bad for an American President.

In the business world of Trump, many refer to him as “The Donald”.  That is their special way of calling him “The Dictator”.  That’s fine in the world of Trump.  Its not fine in the Oval Office.  Maybe he could learn the difference.  Right now, Americans have a flirtation with Trump because he is so different than typical politicians.  That would wear very thin if he brought his “because I said so” style of leadership to the White House.

America needs a President, not a Dictator.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

Gordon “It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”

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