Author: Gordon Howie

Episcopal Church Suspended

Endorsing homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” has resulted in suspension. My wife and I attended an Episcopal church for a period of time.  The pastor preached the Gospel and the Communion service was the most powerful I have ever participated in. …


High Horns Are Beautiful

Texas Longhorn Cattle are spectacular. Most Longhorn breeders are focused on tip to tip measurement.  Many will pass by “high horned” cows even if they have a lot of total horn.  I have learned that TOTAL horn means something too. …


Are You The Next Annette Bosworth?

Justice Denied. I just finished reading the book with that title.  This book left me with the affirmation of what I had already seen and personally experienced… Our system of justice has been corrupted with power-hungry and dishonest people with…


Hang On To Your Hat In 2016

The wind is going to blow. I’m, not talking about a hurricane, although weather could be part of the overall picture. I’m talking about the wind of the Spirit of God.  Can you hear it blowing?  If you are in…


Memo To Democrats…

Are you KIDDING me?? Is this REALLY the best you can do?  Bernie or Hillary? One belongs in prison and the other on a different planet.  Whatever happened to Democrats like Kennedy (President John F.)?  He called America higher.  This…


… and the winner ISN”T…

Kasich, Christie, Carson and Bush. The respective supporters of Cruz, Trump and Rubio will argue that their candidate won, but most of the chatter for the next week will give it to Cruz.  His response to Trump and the “citizenship”…


Family Man Running For SD House

Travis Lasseter isn’t a politician. Or, he WASN”T a politician.  That changed recently when this committed husband and father of four threw his hat in the ring for South Dakota House of Representatives in District 30. Now, he is busy…


Cruz vs “The Donald”

No one seems to effectively hold Trump accountable. For anything. Until now. Trump has been effective in saying things that would sink the ship of any other politician, and managing to backtrack and wiggle out of it.  His style of…
