Author: Gordon Howie

Roger Hunt, Pro Life Leader, Dies

Roger Hunt needed no introduction in Pro Life circles. He was a leader in the battle to protect unborn children.  His service of 20 years in the South Dakota State Legislature was dedicated to issues of moral significance, most notably,…


We Have The Power

You and I can be instrumental in changing America. Our vote is a fleeting thing.  Once we place our “x” on the ballot, we are done.  The rest is up to someone else.  We have “delegated” someone else to act…


Republicans Own South Dakota Politics

Complete, absolute control. The midterm elections gave South Dakota Republicans a near clean sweep.  They control the State House, State Senate, Governors office and every other statewide office.  Nothing new, really. SO… what should we expect them to do with this…


Politics: A Time To Pray

Congress is divided. America just chose two different directions.  The control of the Senate and House doesn’t speak of unity.  So, what now? National, State and Local politicians go to work (?).  For better or worse.  It can be for…


Christians Are To Blame

If Democrats win the midterms. The rise or fall of America rests squarely on Evangelicals in the midterm elections.  The best records indicate that about 26% of votes in midterm elections are cast by Evangelicals.  That is a significantly high percentage for…


Miss November, 2018

Each month, Longhorn News and Market features a new “Calendar Girl”. Meet “Miss November”, 2018 Shamrock Eternal Hope sports an incredible 89 inches of horn (measured tip to tip) She is owned by Bill and Michelle Smith In a world…


Seal The Border, Stop The Caravan

President Trump is right. This assault on our border (and our sovereignty) can not be allowed to succeed. America has a LEGAL process for immigration.  Since 2000, legal immigrants to the United States number approximately 1,000,000 per year.  Legal immigrants…


Who Is To Blame For Violence And Hatred?

Democrats??  Republicans?? We need to look deeper than Party affiliation.  The real battle has its origins in the unseen world.  Scripture tells us we do not wrestle against “flesh and blood”.  Humanity has an invisible adversary, the Devil. That doesn’t mean that…


Billie Bashing

Billie Sutton is running for Governor of South Dakota. He is a Democrat. People I know who have worked with him or know him say he is a nice man.  I believe them.  I don’t like what is being done…


Joe Biden vs Donald Trump

If crowd size means anything…. … The Democrats should not hang their hopes on Joe Biden. I could make a comparison using King Saul and David.  “Saul has his thousands, and David his tens of thousands”.  There are a  couple of…
