Author: Gordon Howie

George W. Is Finally Off The Hook

The blame for everything no longer belongs to George… The Russians did it! Fortunately, the Democrats are not without someone else to blame.  It would be devastating for them if they had to shoulder responsibility.  Blaming Russian hackers brings to…


No More ObamaCare Excuses

Republicans have nowhere to hide. The legislation to repeal Obamacare can be waiting in the Oval Office on Trump’s first day in office.  If Republicans and Trump mean what they have said, they have no more excuses.  None.  This is…


Christmas In Aleppo

Not everyone will have a merry Christmas. Many will be dealing with death and destruction. These terrorists simply have no conscience and place little or no value on human life.  Their evil knows no bounds.  Some women have reportedly committed suicide rather…


Welcome To “Fake News”

It’s an “epidemic”, according to Hillary. Fake news is not anything new.  The narrative from the left is new, but they have employed the tactic of deceptive news for decades. Maybe you remember Hillary telling us Benghazi was the reaction to…


Thank You Lord

This morning the temperature is a whopping 2 degrees. I’m pretty thankful for a warm, comfortable home. This cold morning takes me back in time a few years ago when I participated in the “Polar Plunge” for charity.  A square…


Why The Left Hates Steve Bannon

Because he GETS it! The severity of America’s financial crisis has been largely ignored by the media and most politicians.  Our country (and the rest of the world) is so upside down it should frighten us.  It’s even worse than…
