Author: Gary Jerke

Lets Get Together

As Christians come under attack ever more increasingly… we need to look to those who attack us and see where their strength lies. Recently I went through former President Dwight Eisenhower’s museum and saw a little of the battle plan…


God Gave Them Up

 Five individuals… (5 out of 9) that the United States has arrogantly named SUPREME COURT have declared that God’s plan for mankind is incorrect. Our president (small case) boasted before his first election that the would “fundamentally transform America” and…


Camping Season

This morning as I read my personal devotions… … I was made aware of an interesting fact shared in Exodus 19:2. In that verse the word camping is used twice and in Hebrew the first time is with plural meaning…


The Fight

Fighting seems to be a part of human nature. We see it at all levels from the spiritual battles within us to the opposite end which are wars between nations. In every instance one truth stands out and that is…


How Smart Do You Want To Be?

In the past I have shared with you… … what I believe is the sequence of learning which begins with knowledge then wisdom which comes with application of your knowledge and for some understanding which is realizing how everything fits…


Ezra, Role Model For Visionaries

We just celebrated the 67th anniversary of the nation of Israel. A vision that journalist Theodor Herzel had in 1894 and which was realized after his death. In this world throughout history there have been dreamers and visionaries with the…


I Hope So

How many times have you spoken the words ‘I hope so’? Perhaps it was for an ill friend to get better, a job you have applied for or someone special to come and visit. To a large extent we seem…


Where Do We Find Salvation?

  The bottom line as many are oft to say… … in terms of getting to what we ultimately need to know helps us as Christians to easily answer this question and that answer is Christ alone is where we…


A Nation Close To God

With each new day… … I see a country (United States of America) that I believe has lost its mooring and is drifting aimlessly on a sea of confusion. At one time I believe we truly had the potential to…


God Delivers

It seems so simple yet seldom realized. I speak of our being delivered from the trials that we face and it being done in a way that furthers God’s plan for mankind. The reason is man’s nature is in conflict…
