Category: National News

National US News

Killing Omar

Another terrorist is dead.   Unfortunately, so are more than 50 other people. Was anyone in the Florida nightclub carrying a weapon?  I haven’t heard of one.  It took a swat team to take out this deranged killer.  Then, it…


Dealing with Difficult People

We’ve all experienced people… … who are rude, cruel, angry, or hurtful toward us. It might be a co-worker, a family member, or person behind the check-out counter. Whoever it is and wherever the situation, you feel you are not…


Bible Police

California Sherriff’s Department forbids distribution of Bible verses. WOW! A California public school teacher called the mother of a 7 year old student to tell her that her son could no longer share Bible verses with other students because students were …


Stupidity Gone To Seed

Ronald Reagan explained liberals when he said… “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.” What Reagan had to say about liberals could now easily be said about many…


Looking Very Vice Presidential

Have you noticed the new haircut? There has been a noticeable ramping-up of Newt appearances on Fox News.  Lots of talk about the possibility that he could be the Trump pick for VP. Gingrich doesn’t mind the conversations that speculate…


A Lot Of Bull….

Few people have dedicated so much effort and resources… … To the Texas Longhorn industry. Darol Dickinson has spent a lifetime working passionately to advance the breed.  This advertisement represents some of the fruits of his labor.  Clear Point is…
