What’s Wrong With Mike?

A growing number of South Dakotans are looking for another choice in the Republican race for US Senate.

Former Governor Mike Rounds does not excite conservatives.  Yes, he has a nice smile, but his record is nothing to smile about!

If you haven’t yet seen this website, you may find it informative.


Some of the information you will see:


Republicans in South Dakota have a right to know that Mike Rounds:

  • Expanded state bureaucracy by 1,500 employees
  • Supported higher cigarette, alcohol, and telephone taxes
  • Supported higher Internet taxes
  • Supported Medicare Part D prescription drug entitlement
  • Supported the TARP bailout program for Wall Street banks
  • Supported Obama’s “stimulus” spending
  • Supported the fiscal cliff deal, raising taxes on 80% of Americans
  • Refuses to rule out raising federal taxes in the future

 South Dakota claims to be a conservative state.  Mike Rounds doesn’t fit that description.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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5 comments for “What’s Wrong With Mike?

  1. Amber Christenson
    June 20, 2013 at 10:48 am

    I’m with you on that…I would LOVE a conservative alternative. And I hear the same thing from people. I’d take him over Tim Johnson any day, but there is a thin line separating them. I don’t trust him to vote conservative. I see him having coffee with Harry Reid.

  2. John C.
    June 2, 2013 at 9:59 am

    Let’s not forget that he also backed legislation (SB 131)that would have imposed an individual insurance mandate on all South Dakota citizens back in 2007.


    When that bill didn’t pass out of committee, they pushed through a bill (HB 1169)that established the “Zaniya Project” which was essentially a working group that began to lay the groundwork for government-run healthcare in South Dakota.


  3. June 2, 2013 at 7:28 am

    On what objective evidence do you base your opening claim that “a growing number of South Dakotans” share your view of Rounds? How can you prove that the number of people seeking a different GOP nominee for Senate is any different from what the number was yesterday, or last month?

    • Gordon Howie
      June 2, 2013 at 8:23 am

      I suppose, “because I said so” won’t be good enough for you??

    • June 2, 2013 at 9:22 am

      When you hear more and more people talking about something in a particular bent, that’s a pretty good indication that “more people” are of that same opinion.

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