The City That Never Sleeps Encourages Teens To “Sleep Around”.

New York City Teaches Sex To Teens.

Teens can download this sex-app on the New York City website.  It tells them where to go to get condoms, birth control and abortion services.

The site advises teens that, “Teens in New York state have a legal right to get sexual-health services without the permission of parents, guardians, boyfriends, girlfriends, relatives or anyone else.”


There is also a featured, seven minute video on the app, called “Samantha’s Story”. It features a young girl, Samantha, talking about having sex with her boyfriend for five months even though she is sexually attracted to her best friend Alisha. “Alisha is always on my mind,” says Samantha. “I think about her, you know, that way… I can’t stop noticing it, I mean, I like sex with Richie but sometimes I can’t stop thinking about how beautiful Alisha is or how much I want to kiss her or go even further. So I guess I like girls too.”

Maybe Anthony Weiner WOULD be the right choice for Mayor of New York City.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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