US Senate Needs Conservatives

One thing America DOESN”T need is more career politicians.

South Dakota is positioned as the “most likely” gain for Republicans in the US  Senate.  So.. will South Dakota choose another career politician, or someone who will stand strong for conservative values?

There is one…

candidate who literally stands “head and shoulders” above the rest of the field.  Stace Nelson is winning the hearts of South Dakota voters at a pace that should alarm his competition.  It probably does alarm them.  Don’t be surprised when the negative campaigning experts target Nelson.  As he gains support, he will certainly be a threat to the establishment candidates.  That is when you can expect the attacks to be focused on a BIG target… Stace Nelson!

Don’t assume that everyone else is informed and aware.  Please share this information with your friends.

During their political careers, Rounds and Rhoden voted many times for increased taxes and fees.  According to a voting record history just released, Rounds voted to increase taxes 41 times.  Rhoden voted for tax increases 57 times.  Nelson has supported increases only FOUR times.

Who would you rather have deciding how much tax YOU will pay??

For South Dakota taxpayers, it’s more than a campaign slogan…

Right time, Right Place…  South Dakota NEEDS Stace!


***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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