Indignation Over Syria Makes Me Sick

Senator John McCain has joined President Obama in calling for action against Syria for the killing of 1,400 people with chemical weapons.

McCain and others are now suggesting that “thousands” have been killed.  It dominates the news.

So why would their indignation and calls for immediate action sicken me?  I have compassion on those innocent people who have been murdered by their own government.  My problem is that these politicians who are so concerned about the taking of innocent life are not troubled by the killing of 3,000 innocent children every day in America.

That’s the number of unborn children who are killed every day in America while John McCain is silent on the subject.  President Obama is not just silent, he PROMOTES and supports this daily death toll.

Many others who claim to be “pro-life” have turned their back on efforts to save these innocent children, but they are screaming about the Syrian murders.  They are quick to condemn the use of chemical weapons (which is horrible indeed), but saying and doing little or nothing to defend little American children who are being exterminated DAILY.

Murder in Syria is a serious issue.  The taking of innocent life should always concern us all.

But where is their indignation over the 3,000 children being killed in America every day?

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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