61% Want Smaller Government

A majority of Americans want a smaller government.

They also want lower taxes and less government spending.

A recent Rasmussen poll (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/february_2014/61_favor_smaller_government_with_fewer_services_and_lower_taxes ) shows that 61% want smaller government.  They also prefer fewer services and lower taxes.  That doesn’t come as a big surprise to most of us.  The question quickly becomes, “How can that happen”?

The Congress seems unable or unwilling to put a lid on government spending.  In fact, the lid has recently been removed.  Even Republicans who claim to be “conservative” voted to increase the nation’s debt…. again.

The stage seems to be set for America to make another BIG decision in the upcoming elections.  The indications are that the 61% who want smaller government are looking more closely than ever at the records of candidates.

Past performance in office is a great way to determine how a candidate is likely to vote in the future.  If a candidate has a history of growing government and increasing taxes, it is reasonable to assume that is a reflection of his/her philosophy on how to run government.  Today, people are taking time to look deeper than campaign slogans like “I’m a conservative Republican”.  “Hope and Change” was a winning campaign slogan, but voters have seen their “hope” change to disaster, with unchecked government spending, 17 1/2 Trillion dollars of debt and government that is over-reaching in nearly every direction.

61% is a CLEAR majority.

As they look closely at candidates and their past performance, they will choose people who have a record of supporting smaller, responsible government.  Government-growing, tax and spend candidates (Democrats AND Republican) will find themselves in the minority.

With a 61% majority, maybe there is hope for change!

***Gordon Howie is an author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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