Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

We all know or should know that our natural lives in the grand scheme of things are very short.

This is so whether we live a natural lifetime (70-90 years) or die in a premature manner. The shortness of natural life is part of God’s plan to see who chooses to be a part of an eternal life opportunity. In some respects life on earth is like a job interview or school attendance only in respect to being a part of a team or pass/fail have far greater implications.

So how does God describe natural life and what can we learn from it. First we know it is a pilgrimage new ad(Genesis 47:9). It is a journey of potentially many years and like any pilgrimages needs planning and purpose otherwise your life will be as if you are wandering aimlessly in the dessert.

Life is also like a shadow (1 Chr. 29:15) seen best when the sun shines on that which reflects it. So to when our ‘Son’ of God Christ Jesus shines in our life our image is cast far and wide and is very visible.

Life can also be like a cloud (Job 7:9)  either drifting aimlessly or with purpose (ex. storm clouds). They too at some point pass away as does our life.

In Job 14:2 life is described like a flower. It comes and in its early existence has beauty such as the physical strength and appearance of  the young but then with time its petals wither as do we. Like it or not it is reality that even surgery will one day be unable to keep up with.

Life can also be described like a dream that seems so real for a moment and then most often is quickly forgotten. For dreams to be remembered they must be written down immediately and so many keep diaries today to some day be able to reflect back on the legacy of their years.

Most, perhaps all, of us have experienced fog which also describes life (James 4:14). As with fog life may be difficult to see through  but eventually it raises or dissipates and the ‘Son’ again shines. And finally in 1 Peter 1:24 it is described as grass that no matter how well it is cared for will one day wither, yet as it comes back each spring so our lives have the seed of conscience even if for a moment dying to our faith can come back to our Creator. Life can be HERE TODAY AND GONE TOMORROW but where it goes is what truly matters.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY:  The length of natural life should be spent learning of our Lord.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY:  James 4:14  “shortness of life is like a fog”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY:  Thank You Lord for the length of my days.


1. How would you describe your life?

2. How can we see life in the world God has created around us and how does it show us who we are in the grand scheme of things?

3. What can be done to maximize the shortness of days given us?

4. Do you keep a daily diary to remember your legacy some day?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

   View Gary’s website, Encouraging Others in Christ


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