Franklin Graham Leaves Republican Party

Franklin Graham is a principled man.

Image result for franklin graham

He announced yesterday that he is leaving the Republican Party because they have abandoned their principles.  In his statement, Graham said he has no hope in ANY party, and called for Godly men and women to run for offices where they can have a positive impact.


“Shame on the Republicans and the Democrats for passing such a wasteful spending bill last week. And to top it off, funding Planned Parenthood! A Huffington Post article called it “a big win for Planned Parenthood.” I call it a big loss for America. After all of the appalling facts revealed this year about Planned Parenthood, our representatives in Washington had a chance to put a stop to this, but they didn’t. There’s no question—taxpayers should not be paying for abortions! Abortion is murder in God’s eyes. Seeing and hearing Planned Parenthood talk nonchalantly about selling baby parts from aborted fetuses with utter disregard for human life is reminiscent of Joseph Mengele and the Nazi concentration camps! That should’ve been all that was needed to turn off the faucet for their funding. Nothing was done to trim this 2,000 page, $1.1 trillion budget. This is an example of why I have resigned from the Republican Party and declared myself Independent. I have no hope in the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, or Tea Party to do what is best for America. Unless more godly men and women get in this process and change this wicked system, our country is in for trouble. I want to challenge Christians, even pastors, across the country to pray about running for office where they can have an impact. We need mayors, country commissioners, city council members, school board members who will uphold biblical values.

In just a couple of weeks, I will begin going state by state to every capital in our nation to hold prayer rallies for our country and share this same challenge on the Decision America Tour. Des Moines, Iowa, is first on January 5. I hope you’ll join me in your capital—check for more dates and details.”

Graham joins hosts of other voters who have finally given up on the Republican Party.  Republican leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell recently expressed the mindset of Republican leaders when he said, ” We have to compromise with Obama until we win in 2016.”  That cowardly, defeatist attitude is why Graham and others have simply given up on the Republican Party.

You have plenty of good company, Mr. Graham.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

Gordon “It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”

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4 comments for “Franklin Graham Leaves Republican Party

  1. December 23, 2015 at 10:11 am

    Why would you be a republican or democrat.I am independent, support babys and labor, seniors and our vets.

  2. December 23, 2015 at 8:24 am

    I have already joined Rev. Graham. I agree that no party speaks for me anymore which is truly sad. May Christians who are devout and stick to their principles run for office and may we support there efforts. That is the only thing which can save this nation and our states.

    December 22, 2015 at 2:52 pm

    As much as everyone wants to shy away from Trump this is exactly why he is gaining in popularity. He will not cave into the idiots that are currently in congress and won’t be bought lock stock and barrel by those who have purchased all of the elections in the past. He can be crass for sure, but unfortunately – and I’ll at least admit it myself, he says out loud some of the things that the rest of us would like to say and know better.

  4. December 22, 2015 at 2:18 pm

    I wish he’d stick around a little longer to see if Ted Cruz can pull off a win and then hopefully whip the wusses in congress back into some semblance of shape.

    But a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.

    If Cruz doesn’t get the GOP nomination, I have very little hope that any of the rest have what it takes to reverse the trend…and I just might join Graham.

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