Senator Rounds Defends Trump’s KKK Remarks

While others categorically reject the KKK and white suppremacy, Mike Rounds accepts it.

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Senate Majority Leader McConnell affirmed that the Republican Party “condemns in the strongest possible language David Duke, the KKK and everything they stand for.”

Senator Lindsey Graham when addressing the Trump assertion that he had been given a bad earpiece, said,  “I don’t think it was a hearing problem.  I think he’s lying about that.”

House Speaker Ryan said, “the nominee must reject any group or any cause that is built on bigotry…”

Former Governor and Presidential candidate Mitt Romney called Trump’s comments, “A disqualifying and disgusting response.”

Enter South Dakota’s “common sense” junior Senator, Mike Rounds, suggesting that even if Trump intentionally supported the KKK, he would be better than any Democrat.  To be completely fair, that isn’t the entire statement by Rounds.  He went to some lengths to explain that no one he knows (I assume he is including himself) supports white supremacy, saying “Down the line, Republican or Democrat, there is no room anyplace for supporters of the KKK or any other white supremacist group.”  Down the line???

The limp-wristed defense of Trump on this issue reveals a significant flaw in the junior Senator from South Dakota.  His statement is the equivalent of saying “I am personally against abortion, but I believe we shouldn’t legislate on the issue”.

Senator Rounds, you should apologize to your state and the nation.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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