Why Are Republican Leaders Afraid Of Conservatives?

America still has some conservative Republicans.

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It would just appear that none (or few) of them are in leadership positions.

The Republican platform is clear, both nationally and in my home state of South Dakota.  It is conservative.  Less government, lower taxes, more freedom, traditional family values and pro life.

So why does Republican leadership fear, hate and fight a genuine conservative?

From personal experience in the State House and Senate, I can speak to the issue with some authority.  It is because their agenda runs contrary to the conservative values outlined in their party platform.  Yes, they run as conservative Republicans, but when they win, we see their true colors.  They expand government, raise taxes, restrict freedom, oppose traditional family values and waffle on pro life support.  If everyone would just “get along” and “work together”, no one is the wiser.  But then, along comes a trouble maker… a real conservative.  Someone who truly BELIEVES in Republican values.

Any conservative who dares to challenge the misdirection and deceit of Republican leadership is vilified, ostracized and disliked.  They don’t appreciate anyone who shines a light on their complicity with Democrats.  It reveals who they are and makes them look bad.

They ARE bad.  They are NOT conservative and they don’t represent conservative values.  They only use them in order to win elections.  As long as no one challenges them, they get a pass from voters and continue to enjoy the power afforded them by holding office.

Don’t you find it curious that while all these important people are flying around the country to “stop Trump”, they are very slow and reluctant to do the obvious… support a genuine conservative?  If they really wanted someone who has proven he can win by standing firm for conservative principles, there is only one man left standing.  His name is Ted Cruz.  His record demonstrates that he will not compromise conservative principles.  His performance in this election cycle has proven that he can win.

At this point in the Republican Presidential primary, it is fair to draw a conclusion.

“Republicans” who don’t support Cruz don’t want a conservative.

***Gordon Howie is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


“It’s not about right or left, it’s about Right or Wrong.”



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