By Ed Randazzo

The SD Senate State Affairs Committee took a step into the darkness on Wednesday. Devoid of intestinal fortitude they decided to ignore their charge as representatives of the people of South Dakota and toss the hot potato issue of raising taxes back at the folks that elected them.

The people of your districts voted to have you represent them in Pierre. If you are unable or unwilling to accept the responsibility to take a stand on an issue, then resign. I can appreciate that there are divergent opinions on the issue of raising taxes in an uncertain time but you senators need to stand up and go on record for that which you believe.

If the voters have to decide this issue (incurring more expense and adding to the structural deficit) on the ballot in November, then we don’t need you.

Shame on SD Senate President Pro-Tempore Bob Gray. Leadership and courage is required for your position. Instead of these qualities you have displayed indecision and cowardice.

Thank you Senator Larry Rhoden and Senator Russell Olson for voting against this abrogation of responsibility.



  1. Independent
    March 9, 2011 at 10:46 am

    It’s a Legislature completely controlled by the GOP, that’s what it is.

  2. Independent
    March 7, 2011 at 9:44 am

    Why is fear so ingrained into the fundamentalist/conservative agenda? It must be an extension of your fear-based religious beliefs. Having said that, define political “cowardice.” If it’s merely a political maneuver as in this case, every politician out there is “guilty.”

    • Ed Randazzo
      March 7, 2011 at 8:15 pm

      Why do you fear the “fundamentalist/conservative agenda?” It must be an extension of your lack of faith. You like the wiggle room afforded by your refusal to believe in anything but what you want.
      Here’s my definition of political cowardice. It is the lack of courage to stand for what is right even though it may be unpopular. Political courage is the willingness to stand for what is right even though it may be unpopular. You can’t seem to write anything without judging someone, can you? All politicians are not guilty as you have alleged. There are some courageous and righteous representatives of the people.

      • 20/20
        March 7, 2011 at 9:10 pm

        Time for boot n ban,,,

      • Independent
        March 8, 2011 at 10:39 am

        So, you get to define what’s politically “right” for others? Talk about a “God complex.” You seem incapable of accepting there are very few universal “rights” or “wrongs,” and the political issue giving rise to this thread simply isn’t one of them.

        I have no fear the fundamentalist agenda will ever supplant the Constitution, our government or the will of the people.

        • Ed Randazzo
          March 8, 2011 at 6:44 pm

          God gets to define what is right. You are right not to fear fundamentalists. We will not judge you, but God will.

          • Independent
            March 9, 2011 at 10:45 am

            Who’s God, yours I presume?

          • Ed Randazzo
            March 9, 2011 at 8:36 pm

            There is only one God.

  3. Sarah Beth
    March 6, 2011 at 9:31 pm

    Interseting that Bob was “excused” during the Senate Vote on Hb 1217, the bill that will require a waiting period and make sure women are not forced to have an abortion. We need people who will vote up or down!

  4. Bigger Issue
    March 5, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    Those who want to raise taxes -largely the teachers and administrators and the businesses who fear layoffs will results in less spending – are hoping for a quick special election where the electorate will be very different from the 2012 general election. They hope to turnout their supporters while others stay home.

    School districts hold separate elections in the spring — a waste of money. I suspect this is so the NEA and their administrator friends can dominate the election of their “bosses,” the school boards who are mostly rubber stamps not interested in reducing spending.

    Instead of wasting money on school district elections, why not elect all school board members at the general elections? And with the entire Legislature elected every two years, why not the entire school board elected every two years.

    • 20/20
      March 6, 2011 at 8:54 pm

      EXCELLENT POINT Bigger, I made the same observation years ago. In Rapid city they tire of the low turnout on election day. What do they expect when less than 1/3 of the school district has an election in any given year. I said let all the terms expire at the same time instead of the “every year dilution”. Get the whole School district reved up.

  5. 20/20
    March 4, 2011 at 6:34 pm

    SAY WHAT ??? PLEASE SAY IT AINT SO ED. I am hurt,,,,, betrayed by my own party again.

  6. Ed Schlitz
    March 4, 2011 at 10:08 am

    That’s great. no leadership from the leadership post. It’s business as usual in Pierre.

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