Coronavirus Is Warning That China Could Weaponize Global Healthcare

It’s not that China has the best doctors, yet it has sadly been handed healthcare dominance by previous administrations from both parties.  “While the rest of us were arguing about sexism and transgendered bathrooms, China took control of our health care system,” said FoxNews’ Tucker Carlson recently in “To protect against coronavirus and other threats, US must become less dependent on China.”  

In fact, “China dominates the world market in pharmaceutical ingredients. Compounds used in virtually every essential medicine for high blood pressure, for cancer, for Alzheimer’s disease, and many more come from China.  So do the key components in vital medical technology, including CT scanners, X-ray machines, ultrasound equipment.”  But it doesn’t stop there, because ”As of now, more than 95 percent of all the antibiotics in America are manufactured in communist China. Yes, 95 percent.”

Of course, a threat isn’t really a threat until it is articulated and deployed.  The Democrats under Obama knew about this one-sided healthcare superiority, though they chose to represent China as a helpful friend, not unlike how Bernie Sanders still fondly thinks of the Soviets under Uncle Joe.  Still, Carlson isn’t alone in believing that China may be now making certain about its strength before launching power grabs against rivals whose logistics or supply chain can be cut like an umbilical cord.  Says Carlson, “Our chief global rival has a total monopoly on the most important medicine in the world. That should worry you more than anything the political candidates are currently talking about.”

Monopolies reflect a power advantage that cannot easily be challenged.  Envision a future US military that was forced to stand up to future Chinese aggression with only manpower, not supplies or armaments, because most equipment was actually “Made in China.”  We can’t be self-sustaining without manufacturing excellence in every sector at home.  As Carlson says, “Imagine watching one of your children die from an infected cut. China has the power to make that happen. The Chinese government is acutely aware of this power. Last year, a prominent Chinese economist suggested cutting off the supply of antibiotics to the United States as leverage in the trade war.  That should have been the biggest story in America. The news media all but ignored it. Why? Because it implicated them and their political party in one of the greatest crimes of our time.”

Keeping manufacturing jobs in America has become a patriotic goal of President Trump.  To Make America Great Again means to guarantee that it’s self sustaining, not just in energy, but in everything else that the nation-at-war cannot be without.  Fake News is continually suggesting more liberal, self-defeating priorities, not the urgent ones:  “Global warming isn’t the existential threat we face. Extortion from China is, in very real ways. The Chinese government controls us. There is no greater national security danger than the one it poses and it requires us to respond…thanks to economic changes that made a small group of business moguls incredibly rich, we no longer make the things we need to survive and prosper as a nation.”

The 2020 election will be a no-return crossroads for American civilization.  Globalism has already diluted American identity in perverse ways:  “The people who told us there was no downside to living in a borderless world were lying. Make them eat their words, strip them of their power.  Never listen to them again. In fact – and this is still the hardest thing for official Washington to accept – this pandemic vindicates Donald Trump’s entire political thesis on the big things. Trump was right.” 

The liberal elites from both parties haven’t cared about the values inherent within ideologies that won’t support personal financial gain: “Trade, immigration, manufacturing, globalization. These are the issues a ruling class assiduously ignores and has ignored for decades in favor of silly, calculated distractions like gender warfare and race politics, things that divide us”.

Once unleashed, however, a biological warfare torpedo like coronavirus will play itself out according to natural law. The weak will perish, including those who panic and others who fearfully sell their holdings in the stock market.


1 comment for “Coronavirus Is Warning That China Could Weaponize Global Healthcare

  1. Brad Ford
    March 15, 2020 at 3:37 pm

    Ed Randazzo sent this response to a different poster, but it seems to fit here just as well:

    But while we deal with the media enabled pandemic, let’s start making a plan to encourage the American manufacture of anything we buy from China. Yes, even the precious components of your IPhone and our pharma items. We can make ’em here. Yes, even the butt wipes.

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