Author: Gordon Howie

Game Changers

Monopoly is a fun game… … If you own all the hotels. I have been the extreme Monopoly champion on many gatherings of friends and family.  It’s always fun to win.  Once my hotels were all in place, no one else stood…


A Somber Celebration

Remains of US servicemen are on their way home. Finally. It’s been a long time since the Korean war.  No President has been able to negotiate the return of US servicemen remains.  Until now. Obviously a bittersweet closure for many…


Free Press or Free-For-All??

Freedom of the Press… is it a Constitutional right? Well, sort of.  This is what the First Amendment says: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,…


Medicare For Mongolians

They appear to be about the only ones who aren’t getting Medicare. A new Medicare card was recently sent to recipients (in English).  It was also in Spanish.  That should be helpful for all of our Mexican friends.  What may…


SD Republicans Ban Freedom Caucus

House and Senate leaders in South Dakota want to keep their thumb on conservatives. This latest dictate by the GOP establishment is another effort to keep their strangle-hold on the party machine. All Republican Legislative candidates got a letter from the…


McCain Should Resign

It is past time. Senator John McCain is fighting brain cancer, and has not been a functioning member of the US Senate for some time.  The probability of him ever returning as a working Senator is very slim, indeed.  Even…
