Category: National News

National US News

Indignation Over Syria Makes Me Sick

Senator John McCain has joined President Obama in calling for action against Syria for the killing of 1,400 people with chemical weapons. McCain and others are now suggesting that “thousands” have been killed.  It dominates the news. So why would…


US Senate Needs Conservatives

One thing America DOESN”T need is more career politicians. South Dakota is positioned as the “most likely” gain for Republicans in the US  Senate.  So.. will South Dakota choose another career politician, or someone who will stand strong for conservative values? There is…


Note To Congress

This message was left on the sites of South Dakota Senator John Thune and Representative Kristi Noem by Tonchi Weaver. Don’t be fooled! Assad was ALREADY WINNING – why would he gas his people? The Al Quaida rebels are the ones who…


Evidences Of Revival

A message of hope, inspiration and challenge. America’s only hope for restoration is for men, women and children to turn their hearts toward God. This Sunday message is one that is good for every day of the week. *** Pastor…


Why I Love ObamaCare

Politicians from both parties are on the ObamaCare train. Some support it openly.  Others, like South Dakota Governors Rounds and Daugaard do it in the back rooms, while insisting in public that they deplore ObamaCare. NOW, I have come to…


Conservative Governors?

Maybe not-so-much! South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard has followed in the footsteps of his predecessor. Both former Governor (now US Senate candidate) Mike Rounds and current Governor Dennis Daugaard have resisted efforts to stop ObamaCare in South Dakota.  That isn’t…


Equalization Means Higher Taxes

You can bet your taxes will continue going up! As long as we elect people who are not committed to limited, responsible government, your taxes will increase. Real estate taxes will be no exception.  In Pennington County, South Dakota, county…


Politicians Are Like Teenagers

We love our children even when they misbehave. If we allow them to continue, however, we have failed in our role as a parent. It is our responsibility as parents to hold them accountable and impose consequences for bad behavior.…
